Hip Pain Causes And Treatments For Sufferers

Dr Dan Albright hip painHip pain most commonly stems from muscle soreness, tendon strains, and osteoarthritis. It can also be a result of tendinitis, lack of calcium, and slips and falls.

Distress in the hips can be a recurring issue for seniors and adults. However, there is a wide range of treatment options to alleviate the problems, including chiropractic massages, along with over-the-counter pain medications. Sufferers may also take anti-inflammatory drugs or receive hot treatments that soothe the hips and surrounding structures.

Problems with ligaments or soft tissues can also cause these issues. The latter surrounds the hip joints for optimal cushioning and normal mobility. However, they are not exempt from diseases and conditions like Bursitis or lower back problems. The latter include sciatica, which is a result of compression on the sciatic nerve.

Sciatica may cause radiating discomfort up and down the legs, buttocks, and thighs. This nerve pain can affect your hips and can require chiropractic or primary care examinations for relief. Bursitis is a result of irritation or inflammation of the bursa. The bursa is a sac filled with lubricating liquid between the bone and muscle tissues. While the bursa is designed to reduce friction, if damaged, the lack of lubrication can cause pain.

If you are dealing with chronic or recurring distress in the legs or hips, do not wait for it to go away timely and professional medical care can get to the root of the problem. Your primary care physician will due scans and imaging to see what’s going on in the hips.

They may also order a Doppler or ultrasound exam to check for blood and oxygen flow issues. These, too, can cause tension and stress in the hips along with bone loss and clots that must be addressed immediately.

For more information on relief of hip pain, contact Dr. Dan Albright at 919-863-6808.

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