The Benefits Of Hip Surgery For Better Mobility

Dr. Dan Albright hip surgeryHip injuries are never an easy ordeal for folks of any age. From slips and falls to car accidents, these mishaps can result in extensive damage to the hips. While pain relievers and therapeutic massages may give some pain and stiffness relief, they cannot correct the issues or stop recurring pain. Hip surgery may be the only way to prevent dislocation and to regain mobility and balance.

After exhausting non-surgical approaches, your physician may recommend hip replacement surgery. When deciding on this surgery, there are a few things to keep in mind. For one, this procedure works best with the anterior approach. The Anterior approach ensures less damage to the significant muscles since the surgeon works between them.

The anterior hip replacement surgical procedure replaces the hip joint without cutting through muscle fiber. The surgeon does not have to detach muscles from bones then reattach them later. There is less post-operative pain, therefore, reducing pain medication for patients. Many patients are concerned about the use of pain relievers because they can be addictive and may cause more health issues down the road.

Patients that undergo this approach tend to recover faster as well. While there will be post-operative rehabilitation, patients can bend at the hip and bear weight sooner. They can also use crutches or walkers to get around as well as scooters. Studies have shown that anterior procedures result in patients being able to walk six days earlier than other patients that have undergone different techniques.

Patients will experience a better range of motion in most cases. While this is not guaranteed for all, most folks can bend at the hip and regain their mobility and balance. This result is due to fewer muscles being cut during the surgery, which ensures quicker healing.

For more information on the different approaches to hip surgery contact Dr. Dan Albright for a consultation.  Call 919-863-6808 to schedule an appointment.

The Benefits Of Anterior Hip Replacement Surgery

Dr Dan Albright anterior hip replacementHip injuries can result in severe pain and restricted mobility for sufferers. Most patients will take pain relievers or receive therapeutic care from their doctors. However, if the pain continues to persist, only corrective surgical procedures can fix the issue. Anterior hip replacement surgery is highly recommended for its quick recovery.

With this procedure, the surgeon does not detach the muscle from the bone, then reattach it when the procedure is over. Instead, the surgeon replaces the damaged bones in the hip joint with artificial prosthetics. This method is known as arthroplasty, which is a minimally invasive procedure that spares cutting through muscles and tissues. The anterior approach also ensures quicker recovery times for patients that need to return to work or activities soon.

Your surgeon will create a post-operation plan for exercise and recovery. This plan includes keeping full weight off the hips and using crutches to get around for a while. This type of surgery is not new, but it continues to receive better reviews than traditional techniques. In most cases, the recovery time is around four weeks, which is half of the time it takes with the conventional posterior approach.

Patients who are not morbidly obese or overly muscular are good candidates for this procedure. However, your doctor will make the final determination on your candidacy for the surgery. This approach is considered less painful, with proven rates of faster recovery and mobility, as opposed to the posterior or lateral approach. The operation is a safe and effective procedure.

If you have sustained injuries in a slip or fall, time is pure of the essence. Visit your primary care physician or chiropractor if the hips are bruised or continue to give you radiating pain when walking. Chances are you may not need corrective surgery, but if you do, this technique is highly recommended if all efforts are exhausted.

For more information on anterior hip replacement surgery, contact Dr. Dan Albright at 919-863-6808.

Know The Anterior Hip Replacement Restrictions After Surgery

RHEUMATOLOGY CONSULTATIONAny person involved in an accident or suffering conditions like arthritis, and have their hip joints damaged, require complex surgeries to repair the damaged areas. Hip Replacement Surgery allows the doctors to replace the affected hip joint with an artificial one. The procedure involves making incisions around the hip. When the traditional method is used (posterior approach), the surrounding tendons and muscles are detached and reattached, leading to post-surgical pain. During the recovery period, doctors advise their patients to avoid some things. Here are some posterior hip replacement restrictions.

There are two positions every patient needs to avoid after the treatment.
The recovering patient must avoid crossing their legs after the surgery. Avoid bringing the foot towards the body as this brings stress to the hip area. Some surgeons will even recommend you place a pillow between their legs to keep the hips level.

The patient must avoid forward bending. Bending the hip for more than 90 degrees might cause some tearing around the hip area.

The surgery is a complicated procedure that affects the surrounding tendons and muscles. That is why a physical therapist will advise the patient to avoid stepping backward and placing full weight on the surgical leg. It’s good to prevent hip hyperextension that could lead to dislocation.

Doctors advise their patients to ensure the leg operated is not rotating externally. A lot of pressure is put around the operated area when the leg rotates externally. Once the area is healed, stretching exercises will be recommended that will bring the hip joint back to regular use.

Many orthopedic surgeons now use a newer approach for hip replacement called Anterior Total Hip Replacement. This method does not detach any tendons or muscles. The recovery is quicker than the traditional way, and there are no restrictions after surgery. Dislocations are also reduced. Many surgeons consider this a superior method due to the reasons listed above.

If you are considering total hip replacement surgery talk to your surgeon about using the Anterior Total Hip Replacement approach. It may be the right method for you. If you are interested in more information on Anterior Hip Replacement surgery, contact Dr. Dan Albright. Call 919-863-6808 to schedule a consultation.

How To Prepare For Partial Knee Replacement Surgery

Dr Dan Albright partial knee replacementPreparing well for your surgery can make a huge difference in your recovery. The earlier you start planning for your operation, the better. Here are some tips to keep in mind when preparing for partial knee replacement surgery.
Before setting a date for the operation, you need to plan for post-surgery. This planning will help because you are going to need assistance for a few weeks. Re-organize your calendar to ensure that you will not be busy or have any engagements soon after your surgery.
If you are a smoker, stop smoking. Smokers’ wounds take longer to heal. It also increases the chances of developing complications or getting infections during the recovery period. So put smoking at least on hold for, of course, it’s best to quit permanently.
Prepare your home so that it will be easier for you to get around the house using a crutch or walker after the surgery. Move obstacles from walkways that will be used frequently.  Keep necessary items in places where they can be reached easily. If you live in a multi-story house, consider setting up your bedroom on the lower level for ease of access. You might also want to prepare meals in advance and freeze them so that you do not have to stand to cook after the surgery.
If you live alone, you might want to get someone to help you during your recovery period. For instance, ask a friend or relative to move in with you temporarily or check in on you daily. Alternatively, you can hire a cleaning service or a maid that will help to clean up and prepare meals.
Follow your doctor’s orders. Your doctor will tell you what you need to do to prepare for the operation. For example, if you are on medications, they may require you to stop taking some drugs as they could cause excess bleeding during surgery.  Depending on the situation, your doctor may want you to lose weight to have less stress on the knee after surgery.
If you want more information about preparing for partial knee replacement surgery, contact Dr. Dan Albright at 919-863-6808.

What You Need To Know About Total Knee Replacement Surgery

Dr Dan Albright total knee replacement surgeryWhen you have pain in your knee, you want to resolve it once and for all. After trying multiple non-surgical solutions, there may come a time when you opt for surgery. Before you head into the operating room, there are some things you must know about total knee replacement surgery. Preparing before surgery and following post-surgery instructions will ensure a successful result.

Ensure a complete medical examination happens before the surgical procedure. Your surgeon will take your medical history and review images to determine the strategy to use during the operation. Ensure you understand the examination results and ask questions about the surgery and recovery.

Total knee replacement surgery can be performed for several reasons. The first reason would be an injury. Whether from sports or an accident, when bones in the knee are injured or broken, surgery may be required to repair the damage. In these cases, non-surgical options may not be available, and surgery is the only viable option.

Other conditions can affect the knee, causing pain. Arthritis or osteoarthritis are two degenerative conditions that cause increasing discomfort. This chronic pain can reduce mobility and interfere with a person’s day-to-day activities. There are non-surgical options at the beginning, such as cortisone injections and anti-inflammatory medications, but there may come a time when those are no longer effective.

Total Knee Replacement Surgery replaces the damaged bone with an artificial joint made from metal. Physical therapy to strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee and medications are used in the recovery process. Following your doctor’s and physical therapist’s instructions will reduce recovery time.

Your doctor will explain the risks. Remember, it is a significant operation, and some issues may arise in the operating room, during recovery, or even in the future. Being well informed about the surgery and post-surgery recovery will reduce stress, and that always helps achieve the desired results.

For more information on total knee replacement surgery, contact Dr. Dan Albright. Call 919-863-6808

Vital Information On Hip Surgery

Dr Dan Albright hip surgeryWhen you have a hip injury that is causing overwhelming pain, you will seek a suitable remedy to alleviate the pain. Doctors will recommend anti-inflammatory drugs that will help control the pain, but sometimes the drugs may not work. After exhausting all non-surgical remedies, hip replacement surgery may be the answer.

This operation entails removing and replacing the damaged hip joint and replacing it with an artificial metal hip joint. The procedure is done to relieve the pain the patient is experiencing. It can be performed partially (only one part of the joint is replaced) or totally (both parts are replaced), depending on the injury.

Various factors may lead one to undertake this operation. This surgery is recommended when:

  • a hip bone is damaged due to an accident
  • a patient finds it difficult to walk
  • painful arthritis is present
  • the hip aches while resting
  • there is constant pain in the hip

Before you qualify to have this operation, there will be tests and imaging done to pinpoint the source of the problem, and to determine is hip replacement is the solution.

The orthopedic surgeon who will operate will have a consultation with the patient before the surgery.  The doctor is focused on preparing the patient for the operation and determining if the patient has any medical conditions that may jeopardize the process. There are three approaches to doing this hip surgery, and the surgeon will determine which is best for the patient’s situation.

When looking for an orthopedic surgeon, one has to do some research. Any operation is a risky process, and thus you would want an experienced doctor performing the procedure. Verify the surgeon has lots of experience with this type of surgery and with the method and approach to be used.

For more information on hip surgery or to schedule a consultation, contact Dr. Dan Albright at 919-863-6808.


How To Recover From Knee Surgery

Dr Dan Albright knee surgeryHaving healthy and robust knees is crucial when executing day-to-day activities. At times, accidents and injuries occur, and you require surgery. In the case of knee surgery, the recovery may be challenging. Depending on the patient’s physical health and fitness before the surgery, recovery may take anywhere from six weeks to one year. So, how can you recover from knee surgery quickly?

Exercise plays a significant role. For faster recovery, the knee joint needs to be active. Starting with mild exercise like stretching, you can strengthen the muscles and straighten the legs. Note that you should consult with a doctor or physical therapist to learn the best exercise regime for you. Doing strenuous exercises or tasks can lead to more harm.

Engage in physical therapy. If you feel that you require guidance on what to do, consult a physical therapist who will explicitly teach how to recover faster. Physical therapy is one of the approaches that will give positive results within a short duration.

Keep walking. Please do not assume that because you are recovering, then it is time to bed rest. In most cases, a movement will not cause you any harm. Walking is one way of strengthening your leg and muscles around the knee. Start with short distances a few times a day and then lengthen the distance as you grow stronger.

Ensure your knees are straight when relaxing. This position might not be an easy thing to do, but it is worth trying. When the leg is straightened, blood flows freely, aiding in your healing. Whether you are sitting, or in a wheelchair, learn to straighten your leg.

For more information on knee surgery recovery, contact Dr. Dan Albright at 919-863-6808.

Information On Direct Anterior Hip Surgery

Dr Dan Albright anterior hip surgeryTotal hip replacement is an invasive surgical method that entails three or even four incisions in front of the hip. This approach ensures that the hip joint is replaced by pushing the muscles along with tissue aside. The process is done without detaching the tendons. Here is more on direct anterior hip surgery.

This surgery has a success rate of over ninety percent. The main reason as to why any individual would go for such an operation regardless of the approach is to relieve pain. This process involves getting rid of the arthritic bone and replace it with an artificial metal socket. The artificial hip ensures normal hip movement and function without pain.

This process has various benefits. First, you may recover quicker because no tendons were detached. The other added benefit is that you will not have any hip movement restrictions after the operation for the same reason. The patient will be able to go back to a normal daily routine after the operation with reduced risks. They will also experience less pain after the operation when compared to traditional methods.

The next benefit enjoyed when this technique is performed shows in the normal gait mechanics as well as a stable man-made hip. It is important to note that the ultimate goal is for a patient to get the desired results irrespective of the operational approach that is undertaken.

For the best results, a patient must take time in selecting the surgeon. The medical professional must have years of experience having been trained in a well-known institution. Talk to several surgeons before making a decision.

For more information on anterior hip surgery, contact Dr. Dan Albright at 919-863-6808.

An Overview Of Anterior Approach Hip Replacement

Dr Dan Albright anterior approach hip replacementThe medical industry is continually evolving. New research and techniques are coming out regularly. The best example of such an evolution is the anterior approach hip replacement surgery. Both the surgeon and the patient need to be knowledgeable about the process so that they can make the best decision.

The traditional hip replacement approach (posterior) involves making incisions through the buttocks muscle. This approach requires some restrictions during the recovery process because the tissue has to heal.

With the anterior approach technique, the surgeon makes an incision on the front side of the hip and moves the muscles aside to perform the surgery. This method has various advantages; for starters, the patient experiences less damage to the primary muscles allowing for a quicker recovery.

The next advantage of this technique is that a patient experiences less post-surgery pain. The main reason for this is that the major muscles are not cut during the operation, making the patient use less medication for the pain. The patient can go back to their routine quickly. Without restrictions, the patient can start bending and stooping as soon as the hip can sustain the weight.

Another upside to this approach is a reduced risk in hip dislocation. With this technique, the soft tissues, as well as muscles, are not disturbed, thereby preventing dislocation. The potential disadvantages of this operation are that it is not for all people. Obese, as well as muscular individuals, may not be suitable for this surgery.

There is a lot of information you may consider when you are deciding which option to choose when it comes to hip surgery. Research thoroughly to be in a better position to make the right choice.

For more information on the anterior approach hip replacement contact Dr. Dan Albright at 919-863-6808.

Hip Pain Causes And Treatments For Sufferers

Dr Dan Albright hip painHip pain most commonly stems from muscle soreness, tendon strains, and osteoarthritis. It can also be a result of tendinitis, lack of calcium, and slips and falls.

Distress in the hips can be a recurring issue for seniors and adults. However, there is a wide range of treatment options to alleviate the problems, including chiropractic massages, along with over-the-counter pain medications. Sufferers may also take anti-inflammatory drugs or receive hot treatments that soothe the hips and surrounding structures.

Problems with ligaments or soft tissues can also cause these issues. The latter surrounds the hip joints for optimal cushioning and normal mobility. However, they are not exempt from diseases and conditions like Bursitis or lower back problems. The latter include sciatica, which is a result of compression on the sciatic nerve.

Sciatica may cause radiating discomfort up and down the legs, buttocks, and thighs. This nerve pain can affect your hips and can require chiropractic or primary care examinations for relief. Bursitis is a result of irritation or inflammation of the bursa. The bursa is a sac filled with lubricating liquid between the bone and muscle tissues. While the bursa is designed to reduce friction, if damaged, the lack of lubrication can cause pain.

If you are dealing with chronic or recurring distress in the legs or hips, do not wait for it to go away timely and professional medical care can get to the root of the problem. Your primary care physician will due scans and imaging to see what’s going on in the hips.

They may also order a Doppler or ultrasound exam to check for blood and oxygen flow issues. These, too, can cause tension and stress in the hips along with bone loss and clots that must be addressed immediately.

For more information on relief of hip pain, contact Dr. Dan Albright at 919-863-6808.